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Interface have platform offerings to assist primary care across a range of disease areas.


Attend2 platforms enable national guidelines and best practice to be reinforced within general practice.  Where gaps in care are identified, the Attend2 platforms allow action plans to be generated, clinical work to be implemented and improvements measured. The inclusion of Attend2 platforms progress the disease prevalence service into a care improvement initiative.



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    Attend2 AF

    Attend2 AF

    Attend2: AF is a proactive risk management tool that highlights specific cohorts of at risk patients to reduce the incidence of stroke in AF.…

    Attend2 Asthma

    Attend2 Asthma

    3 people die from asthma each day in the UK despite up to 90% of asthma deaths being associated with preventable factors.

    Attend2 COPD

    Attend2 COPD

    COPD is the second most common cause of emergency admissions to hospital. An average general practice in the UK caring for about 7,000 people will have up to 200 people with COPD on its practice list.

    Attend2 Diabetes

    Attend2 Diabetes

    Attend2 Diabetes is a risk-stratification platform for primary care. It allows practices to proactively and systematically manage the care of patients with diabetes in order to reduce symptoms and the risk of complications from diabetes such as cardiovascular disease.

    Attend2 Fracture

    Attend2 Fracture

    Attend2 Fracture supports GP practices to undertake a proactive fracture risk assessment (FRAX) for all recommended patients as per NICE CG146 to identify those at risk of an osteoporotic fracture.

    Attend2 Heart Failure

    Attend2 Heart Failure

    Heart Failure (HF) represents the only major cardiovascular disease with increasing prevalence and is responsible for dramatic impairment of quality of life, carries a poor prognosis for patients and is very costly for the NHS to treat (second only to stroke).

    Attend2 Lipids

    Attend2 Lipids

    Attend2 Lipids is a clinical platform that can be used to support the management of patients with Cardiovascular disease (CVD) or those patients at risk of CVD.

    Refresh of data

    Refresh of data

    An updated Attend2 tool housing refreshed data to help deliver continuing clinical outcomes.

    QOF Disease Prevalence Coding Support

    Our Clinical Pharmacists are now able to offer coding support across a number of QOF domains

    Find out more