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We’re 10 years old

At Interface Clinical Services, we’re celebrating a significant milestone, achieving 10 years in business as a clinical services provider for primary care.

Interface Managing Director, Michael Drakard said, ‘Reaching the 10 year mark is one of the few times in business when you allow yourself to look back and take stock of what we have achieved.

In 2004 we set up Interface with myself, two pharmacists and a second hand laptop.  Now we have nearly 60 staff and one of the biggest clinical teams in the UK, providing services across most long term conditions, and yet I still feel like this is only the beginning.’

As well as celebrating 10 years in business, April 2014 is an exciting and progressive time for Interface as we welcome 10 new pharmacists to our clinical team, with more to follow in the coming months as we prepare for the launch of our innovative new QOF service.

QOF Disease Prevalence Coding Support

Our Clinical Pharmacists are now able to offer coding support across a number of QOF domains

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