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Bone Health

It is estimated that 3 million people in the UK suffer from osteoporosis, costing the NHS more than £4.4 million.

Figures suggest the annual incidence of hip fractures in the UK will rise from 91,500 recorded in 2015 to 101,000 by the end 2020.

Bone Health Therapy Reviews

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    Bone Health


      Our Clinical Pharmacists can provide support to improve the management of patients with osteoporosis or those patients at high risk of a fragility fracture to ensure they are managed in line with best practice guidelines.

      Using your practice clinical system and our bespoke searches, Interface can:

      • Identify patients not receiving optimal treatment as per national guidance
      • Prioritise those patients managed outside of the practice-specified management framework
      • Collate patients with a high risk of fragility fracture who are currently not being treated

      Our Clinical Pharmacists can also support with QOF disease register maintenance ensuring appropriate patients are coded correctly and practices are rewarded for their care.

      High-priority patients will be flagged for practice review and will be provided with educational materials to help understand their fracture risk and treatment supporting concordance.

      Practices will be provided with a summary report to demonstrate Quality Improvement in the management of patients with osteoporosis or high fragility fracture risk to support future workstreams and PDSA cycles.

      From initial discussions through to the GP meeting, the main purposes, goals and objectives were explained extremely well and implemented smoothly. The Interface pharmacist was able to involve all of the relevant practice staff who took an interest on this piece of clinical work, which was perfect as all staff who were involved were informed of the outcomes achieved and made aware of any queries they may receive from patients. The service itself has been well received by both patients and staff, it was completed effectively and we ultimately have been able to identify patients at risk of fracture, ensuring that they are supported well and were on the correct treatment option which was in line with the current guidelines. I would recommend this service to other practices and would like to thank Interface again!

      Kevin Evans, Practice Manager, Boundaries Surgery, North Hampshire CCG


      Private: QOF Disease Prevalence

      Tiered pricing

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      QOF Disease Prevalence Coding Support

      Our Clinical Pharmacists are now able to offer coding support across a number of QOF domains

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