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Heart Failure

Chronic Heart Failure (HF) has a poor prognosis with 30-40% of those diagnosed dying within the first year.

Interface Clinical Pharmacists have received specialist (HF) training and have expertise in the management of HF.

Heart Failure Therapy Reviews

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    Heart Failure


      Our pharmacists can provide support to improve the management of HF within the practice and ensure patients are managed in line with best practice guidelines. The service is delivered with minimal impact to the practice allowing you to free up and reallocate practice resource.

      The review service can:

      • Identify cohorts of patients for review and provide a baseline report to give practices an overview of current HF management
      • Improve the management of HF within the practice and ensure patients are managed in line with best practice guidelines.
      • Identify patients for inclusion on practice registers, improving QOF achievement in this area
      • Empower patients by increasing their understanding of HF through patient-centred consultations and provision of British Heart Foundation literature.

      Through comprehensive clinical notes review, or through face-to-face* pharmacist-led clinics, our pharmacists can clinically assess individual patients and make recommendations for management or referral to specialist services.

      The pharmacist can provide educational support to practice staff, and provide the practice with a report to demonstrate Quality Improvement in the management of patients with HF. This will support future workstreams and PDSA cycles.

      * All on-site support can also be delivered remotely if required due to COVID19

      The pharmacist was friendly, co-operative and very pleasant to work with. His clinical knowledge was sound and his work increased our HF prevalence, and enhanced the care of the patients he identified. A very worthwhile undertaking.

      Jane Heuston, Practice Manager, The Lindley Group Practice, Leeds CCG


      Private: QOF Disease Prevalence

      Tiered pricing

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      QOF Disease Prevalence Coding Support

      Our Clinical Pharmacists are now able to offer coding support across a number of QOF domains

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