Practices received Heart Failure support from Interface
Interface has developed the Heart Failure (HF) Plus service to support Practices and Federations to investigate their heart failure registers, with the help of an experienced clinical pharmacist.
There is a poor prognosis within the heart failure domain. The National HF Audit project that LVSD is the cause of HF in 55% of cases, yet official QOF data shows it’s only coded in 1 out of 3 patients with HF.
The HF Plus service closes that gap by supporting practices to identify, add and enable better management of appropriate HF patients. In addition to the clinical benefits, including improved patient care, practices will see an uplift in QOF income.
The HF Plus service includes:
View our HF Plus Case Study to find out how the service is benefiting practices and patients.
Practices received Heart Failure support from Interface
No of Heart Failure clinics delivered by Interface
Patients seen in Interface Heart Failure clinics
Delivery period: 5 years and 1 month
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Tiered pricing
Our Clinical Pharmacists are now able to offer coding support across a number of QOF domains